What is a Queef and What Causes Queefing

Queefing is Normal: The 101 on Vaginal Gas

What’s more arousing than thinking about gas when having sex? Okay, a lot of things. Queefing, also known as vaginal gas, is something we try to pretend doesn’t happen during sex, but it does. So, why ignore it?

We’re going to give you the rundown on what it is, what are the causes, and whether you can learn how to stop it or reduce the chances. By the end, you’re going to be an expert. That’s a thing, right?

What is a queef?

Whether you call it queefing, pussy burps, a vaginal fart, or a pussy fart, it all means the same thing. A vaginal queef is when air passes through the vaginal canal, creating a sound similar to anal flatulence. However, the main difference between anal and vaginal flatulence is that a vaginal fart doesn't release an odor. Air gets trapped, and a queef is simply the result.

What causes queefing?

Some women queef more frequently than others, which probably makes you wonder, “why do I queef?” Generally, the weaker the pelvic floor muscles are, the easier it is for air from the vagina to get trapped inside. When the pelvic floor muscles aren’t strong enough to hold air trapped in the body, air escapes, causing a queef.

When can a queef happen?

You may have experienced it during sex, but it can also happen outside the bedroom. It can occur in the following situations:

  • Sexual encounters where anything is inserted into the vagina, resulting in the air from the vagina being trapped inside.

  • Specific sex positions like doggy style make it easier for air to enter the vagina.

  • A vaginal fart can occur during a pelvic exam when the doctor inserts/removes a medical device.

  • Specific yoga poses which focus on opening the hips.

  • Pregnancy or menopause can increase vaginal gas.

  • Your pelvic floor muscles are unique, with some women naturally being more prone to queefing than others.

Is queefing normal?

Yes! If there's one thing you need to accept is that a vaginal fart is perfectly normal.

Can it be embarrassing? Sure. But like any fart, we laugh it off and move on. A pussy fart is as natural as yawning or sneezing.

In other words, you don't need to ask yourself, "why do I queef?" Your pussy is normal.

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How to stop queefing

If you’ve queefed before, you probably want to know how to stop it from happening. Well, there’s not much you can do to stop queefing during sex. However, there are a couple of things you can try out.

Practice Kegels

Remember when we said vaginal flatulence is caused when the pelvic floor muscles cannot hold in the trapped air? Well, one way to reduce pussy burps is by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. Practicing Kegels is one of the most effective ways to prevent a pussy fart. If a weak pelvic floor is your issue, increasing control of the muscles can help you prevent air from entering the vaginal canal.

Eliminate queef-prone sex positions

You can try to eliminate specific sex positions like the doggy style from your sex routine and opt for positions that require less activeness on your part. Research from the International Urogynecology Journal found that queefing happens more often when women change their posture during sex. But do you really just want to stop yourself from having fun all because of a queef?

Avoid high-impact sexual activity

This one doesn’t sound so fun, but it can help. If you want to stop queefing during sex, avoid fast and high-impact sex. By avoiding these types of sexual activity, you reduce the chance of air getting trapped inside the vaginal canal. Here are four sex positions that help with queefing:

  • Missionary: The good ol’ missionary position may be basic, but it works well against queefing. You can rest your legs on your partner’s shoulders and place a pillow under your hips to elevate the vagina.

  • Countertop: You’ll need one thing: a kitchen counter. You can either sit on the edge of your counter, kitchen island or table, as your partner faces you, grabbing your hips and entering inside of you.

  • Cowgirl: It’s a classic position that works wonders if you don’t want to queef. Your partner lies down as you straddle them, placing the penis or object inside. You get to control the speed and angle, which reduces queefing.

  • Dirty dancer: If you want to throw an ab workout into the mix, this position is the one. Face each other while standing, and have your partner lift you up (or just one leg) as they enter you.

In addition, using a sex toy like Kiiroo’s Pearl2 Vibrator can slow down the pace, while keeping things intense and hot.

Remind yourself no one cares

So this is probably the best-recommended solution for your queefs. Why spend all day and night worrying about queefing if it's something that naturally happens?

Vaginal flatulence is a thing, and it will never change. It's best to embrace your body and accept that it's a normal part of sex. By not making a big deal out of it, no one else will.

When it’s time to see your ob-gyn

Queefing is normal; however, if it's paired with other symptoms, it may indicate other problems to your sexual health. If there's an odor, pain, or discharge when queefing, seek the guidance of a medical professional, like your ob-gyn. Your ob-gyn will be able to see if there are any underlying issues.

Queefing is a part of life and something you shouldn’t be embarrassed by. Instead, practice mindfulness and being in the present moment.

You’ll enjoy intimacy much more when you’re not worrying about the sounds your body is making. Let your body make them! It’s natural!


Natasha Ivanovic

Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer best known for her writings on Kiiroo, LovePanky, Post Pravda, and more. She's the creator and author of her short stories on TheLonelySerb. She completed her first degree in Criminology and continued and finished her Masters in Investigative Psychology, but then decided to follow her true passion of writing.

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