Give a Blowjob like a Pro
The PERFECT blowjob is a blowjob that is either:
- Such a good part of foreplay that the man gives you the most passionate thrusts during sex to show his gratitude. Or;
- Leads him to have an intense orgasm because the blowjob for whatever reason had to replace vaginal and/or anal sex.
Erogenous Zones
Erogenous zones are the parts of the body that have a heightened sensitivity which, when stimulated, may cause a sexual response. The penis, of course, is a hot bed for these zones. Although, don't only focus to these areas – they're quite sensitive so can do with a warm-up.
Playing with the sensitive parts of the penis is like playing a guitar solo in a song. For it to make its full impact, you need to build up to it with other stuff. However, when it does come to this 'guitar solo', here are the parts to pay attention to:
The head of the penis has around 4,000 nerve endings, making it one of the most erogenous zones of the male body. Wet your lips and wrap them around the penis, then take the tip of your tongue to the head, moving along its rim.
Why not use your tongue to write out a message on the head, letter by letter, e.g. feel free to use this time to give them your favorite lasagna recipe.
Also, it's worth noting that the heads on uncircumcised dicks tend to be a lot more sensitive so make sure to mix things up a bit – too much focus on their heads can feel intense, verging on painful.
A frenulum is an elastic-like fold of skin that helps anchor mobile parts to your body. It's that fold of skin under your tongue, that one under your top lip and there's a pretty sensitive one on the underside of a dick.
If you want the person you're giving a blowjob to, to feel amazing, get friendly with this frenulum. You're looking for the v-shaped part on the underside of the penis which connects the head to the shaft.
If you're working with an uncircumcised penis, you'll be glad to hear that the foreskin – the thin piece of skin that covers the penis – is full of nerve endings which feel great when stimulated. Go gentle here though, the foreskin is very delicate. So don't go tugging at it and definitely don't go treating the penis like a protein shake bottle.
Hold the cock and gently move the foreskin over the head, back and forth, whilst giving the blowjob. Once you've done this a few times and gotten used to the rhythm and pressure that works, you can try moving the foreskin in the opposite direction to one your moving with your mouth. This takes a bit of co-ordination, so if you're one of those people who can pat their head whilst rubbing their belly simultaneously, this one's for you.
Don't be afraid to explore outside the penile region too during a blowjob, or during in any sex positions, really. Keep a free hand busy by gently stroking sensitive areas like their inner wrist, nipples, or inner thigh.
So, since a blowjob is a gift, what components does it take for one to give the gift of the perfect blowjob?
Males love having sex (of any kind) that makes their penis wet. So keep your mouth constantly moist. If you love cocksucking so much that you think you might suck it to the point your mouth will go dry, then keep water or apple juice. In fact, the juice might be better since it will produce even more saliva.
Whatever liquid you choose, keep it nearby to use during a 2-for-1 break… A break meant for you to (1) take a drink while (2) visually admiring the beauty of nature’s creation called the penis.
Moisture is also good because you nor he want his penis rubbing against dry parts of your mouth. Especially, the roughness of your tongue, which can be like sandpaper when dry.
The tongue can move. And letting it just lay there in your mouth while giving him a blowjob makes one a lousy cocksucker. Let the tongue’s ability to move suit your purpose. Massage the penis while sucking it. You can also run your tongue along the 2 most sensitive parts of his penis – the glans and the frenulum.
Imagine being given a sausage that you know is the best tasting one ever. This time, however, you’re not allowed to eat it. Instead, all you can do is suck it for all its great flavor. Well, whatever head motions you do to get that flavor, these are the head motions you should do to give the best blowjob. In fact, I bet that the motions of your head playing such a big part in giving a blowjob are why another phrase for cocksucking is “giving him head”.
The “head” in the phrase is not about the head of the blowjob receiver’s penis. It’s about the movement of the blowjob giver.
Making noises during a blowjob is way more beneficial than many thinks. For one, sounds are vibrations. Therefore, making sounds while giving a blowjob will make him feel the vibrations in his penis. Especially on his glans and frenulum as he reaches the back of your throat.
And speaking of the back of the throat, making sounds like humming is what can lessen your gag reflex. For making sounds has the part of your mouth that triggers one’s gag reflex already in use. Over the years, throat numbing sprays have been used for this purpose, but this is a much more natural, and pleasure-giving means.
Just because it is oral sex, doesn’t mean your hand(s) doesn’t have a part to play. For while sucking on his penis, you can add to the sensation by taking a couple of fingers, putting his penis in between them, and then massaging his shaft while you suck the rest or his penis. Or if he is better stimulated by it, wrap your entire hand around it.
You can also use your fingers to massage his balls. While you’re sucking, you’ll also be turned on to see, feel the results as his balls draw up to the body and get firmer from your finger tickles and strokes from your hand. And the longer the balls stay firm, the more you can prepare for his volcano of semen to erupt.
Another spot for your fingers is the perineum or the taint. Massage and/or tickle it for a bit, and see how he reacts. If he likes it, keep it up.
A key thing to take away from BJ 101 is that this is a sex act your teeth needn't join in on. The penis is a fragile thing, so it's best to approach a blowjob with the wet finesse of a pro swimmer on a Slip 'N Slide.
If you have any mercy for the person you're sucking off, don't go scraping your teeth on the shaft. To avoid giving a potato peeler of a blowjob, open your mouth wide and wrap your lips around the penis. When you can, cover your front bottom teeth with the front of your tongue.
Another great technique is to pucker you lips (yes, pull a duck face) as you approach the penis. This expression naturally tucks your teeth out of the way. If you have dentures, whip them out; this is your time to shine.
Now, the perfect blowjob does not rely solely on the one giving the blowjob. It also relies on the recipient taking care of his partner. For if the cocksucker likes semen in their mouth, and the blowjob is planned, then it is the recipient’s responsibility to make sure his semen tastes as good as possible.
Therefore, besides not partaking of substance abuse for obvious reasons, he should also not drink or eat anything that makes his body secretions taste bitter. So foods and beverages like coffee, high alcohol cocktails, and asparagus are examples of what to avoid. Meanwhile, sweet fruits like mangos, melons, pineapple and berries, and their juices are great examples of what to consume.

This is an added tip that’s more about personal taste than the other tip listed here. I personally, LOVE the taste of a well-maintained man’s skin. Even that of his dick. Be it freshly washed, or after it’s been wrapped in his underwear, and is damp from the sweat of his crotch. Others, however, might not be so into that. With that being the case, one might want to venture into flavored lubes.
Whatever lube you choose, you should pick a flavor you like. Also, keep in mind to not use a flavored lube as your primary lube for intercourse. For most flavored lubes contain sugar, and that is not good for the body.
Don't let the balls get FOMO – get them involved too. This may look like a gentle cupping. Where you let the testicles rest in your hand like a baseball in a catchers mitt, whilst rubbing them with your thumb. Unless your partner expresses a particular favor towards rough play, it's safest to be gentle here – imagine you're handling an egg.
Sex Toys
Why not involve sex toys too? Put a vibrator on a low setting and hold it on their balls or the frenulum whilst giving head. Or, penis in mouth, hold a vibrator under your chin to drive them wild.
None of the aforementioned will work if you don’t communicate with your partner. Usually, with a blowjob, males let their bodies do the talking. However, if you’re a guy getting a blowjob, and what is being done is not turning, then say so. You have every right. For it’s your body, your call.
Plus, this is a gift exchange. And a cocksucker can’t give you the gift of their oral prowess unless you give the gift of your body and its direct responses. Therefore, to keep your union viable, you must communicate your approval of that prowess.
I hope these tips I’ve given you will be seen as some good advice. Good advice that the next time you are the giver or receiver of oral sex, everyone does their part. So that, not just a good, but instead, a phenomenal time is had by all.
Lastly, have fun and jump into a blowjob with enthusiasm. Think of giving head as an exploration of your partners body, finding what makes them tick. Now get out there and suck some dick!
LeNair Xavier
LeNair Xavier has studied sex and sexuality by reading up on and observing various sexual behaviors. These observations has led to time in the gay porn industry, and now writing erotic poetry. Tales of his journeys leading to his growing sexual knowledge can be found on his blog, L’s X-Ray Vision. Follow LeNair on Tumblr
Anna Thomas
Anna Thomas is a stand-up comedian and writer hailing from West Wales, currently situated in Lancashire. You can learn more about her here.